Saturday, 13 November 2010


Lots has happened in recent weeks...

Firstly the main part of the blog has moved to Facebook as it's easier for me to keep updates there: The Voice Project page is here

Secondly, some of the panels are beginning to take some shape in my mind... I have vague plans now for at least five of them, of which one has a more detailed plan. The panels will be somewhat themed but only loosely. Themes so far are... 'Amargin with Mycellion', 'Prehistoric', 'Welsh/Brythonic/Mabinogion', 'Modern Wild with UFOs and Dowsers' and 'Urban'. None of these themes get the go-ahead without the confirmation of plant and fungi allies. All of it has to be dreamed.

The 'Amargin with Mycellion' panel is quite a detailed vision and combined together very late at night during a hypnagogic moment... this might serve as confirmation in itself since it was a visionary experience that sprung from my sketches, but I would prefer to have the additional voice of the plants too...

On an earth which is curved and filled with Mycellion we see Amargin and the Dolmen with Ogham lettering or Etruscan versions thereof with animistic tree-beings and a sunrise of blazing light, serpents emerging. A female Tree-Dryad hugs a tree or one of the dolmen uprights. Imps Of Spiral House can also be seen as patterns on the dolmen.

Thirdly I am exploring transparent acrylics with a view to having three or four layers of imagery on the paintings. The idea is to have opaque acrylics as the daylight image, with layers of markers over the top as the visionary sensation of the daylight image. Then a translucent acrylic image overlain as a third layer, and finally an image in UV lacquer only visible under UV illumination as the night-time image...

Fourthly and finally, I am thinking that I will compose some music to be played when the painti9ng is finally exhibited. Music that recounts the journey of composition. This is in addition to any book.

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