Friday, 10 September 2010

Remembering Avalon...

Notes from a brief online conversation with Daniel Mirante...
...the energy enfolded within this island is hard to translate is ancient, it is a bit neglected right now
...the trememdous creativity of this island is currently channeled away from visionary experience and integrated consciousness, towards 'productive' and 'rational' modes
...DNA, Classical Mechanics, Industrial revolutions, innovation, the World Wide Web all conceived
...William Blake as a kind of 'founder' of visionary art... why is his poetry so beloved and his art ignored? intuition that this island is a female energy, belonging to the Mother
...Blake, Graves and Tolkien as sacred speakers of this island here

British spirituality keywords…
...Magic mushrooms, Celtic design, long barrows, standing stones
...Druids, ley lines, Michael & Mary lines (Paul the Plumber), crop circles
...The New Age (in the 90s and now Britain’s a bit jaded with it!) centred upon Glastonbury

Ancient Places...
...Glastonbury, Men-a-Tol, Carn Brea, Avebury, Stonehenge, Salisbury Moor, Ilkley Moor, Gypsy Races, Edinburgh, Callanish, Mt Suilven (the British Yiouchtas!), Newgrange in Ireland

Modern Places...
...Brighton, Manchester, London

Britain, along with Germany and Israel, were really the only places that really seemed to get the 5th circuit opening activation of MDMA in the 90s – this is relevant. 5th circuit in the Timothy Leary sense. Why did America, usually so ahead in such things, really not get the hedonic-hedonistic, ecstatic, touchy-feely aspects of this phenomenon and remain hooked on being cool and being seen to be stylish? And yet, Burning Man, which superceded the whole activation? Why did Britain 'get it' in the 90s, but fails to get it now, and didn't develop it further? See my random reminiscence-slash-essay Ecstasy Generation from 2005

Seeking the Voice of the Land… largely I have spent several years seeking and finding the Voice of the Land of Crete in the Minoan Honey project… I should now return to my early-twenties British mythology notes and vision/dream reports and seek the Voice in this island. Mushroom visions and quests may help. Get up onto Ilkley Moor. Go to the Twelve Apostles stone circle, walk there from home.

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