Tuesday 14 September 2010

Something Random...

Elves, leprechauns, little people, shadow folk, dancers in the grass, the whispers on the wind of the people from the past. Don’t build a road here, the elves live there…

“And I, who knows the wisdom of the unhewn dolmen…”
Amargin, Llew, Gwydion (Three Dying Gods of the Islands of Britain) Arianrhod and Bran the oldest of them all, and the syllable Dan… Danae, mother of Perseus, a pre-Greek word (read: Minoan), the Danaans, Danube, Donau, Danmark, Don the Welsh Mother (ap Don), Don Valley, Tuatha de Danann… something came from the Aegean this way in the early Bronze Age….someone…

“And did those hills in ancient times…”
They say that Jesus came to Glastonbury, they say the grail found its way here, but the wells and holy waters are remembered from older times. A chalice. Sulis Minerva at Aquae Sulis Bath… you had a vision there once…

“Yo, mate, put that fuckin’ blade away, this is chalice country…”
What’s that inventive energy that drove Stephenson, Brunel, Newton, Watson & Crick, Darwin, Maxwell? We had a revolution in 1381, another in 1649 and France calls itself the Mother? What’s this earthy, sweary energy that insists on a playful and healthy disrespect for authority and chides anyone who forgets where they came from? Don’t you be puttin’ on airs and graces, mind!

“The Christian tradition, which in the West is now our only living sacred tradition…”
Not here, not here, we never completely Christianised. I feel sorry for Rome. Just when they’d ticked Britain off the list for converting the Celts, the pagan Saxons came and knocked everything to bits. So they started again. Ticked it off again, whereupon the pagan Vikings came along… you get the point. We never completely converted. In Wiltshire, Lancashire, anywhere far away from the centres, people were still dancing maypole and raising altars to pagan gods…

“there is an image of Darvel Gadarn within the saide diosece, in whome the people have so greate confidence, hope, and truste, that they cumme dayly a pilgramage unto hym, somme with kyne, other with oxen or horsis, and the reste withe money…”

…that was in 1538. I think of the Welsh hero Hu Gardarn and all the –caster and –chester towns with the names of Celtic gods and heroes… Man(awydan), Llan, Don (the Mother of Gwydion), Sil (the eye goddess of Silbury) and so on…

Green Man, Robin Hood (Hu again), Black Annis, it wasn’t until the 1600s that we finally completed conversion and within 100 years we were deconstructing and destroying that, first with Deism, then with Evolution, then with Atheism…?

What’s the energy here? We became the whole world, as British as curry and chips. Punjabi road signs, the biggest Somali community outside Africa, more people going regularly to mosque than to churches I’m sure. Everyone’s coming from everywhere to be here, and it’s not just because of the money…

What’s the energy here…?

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