Tuesday 28 September 2010


Britain and Ireland have a habit of giving birth to people of a strong, economically productive people of a scientific mindset with one foot in the mystical traditions of old. This is true even today…

Stephen Hawking, probing string theory, the geometry of black holes and the first few nanoseconds of the Big Bang, who speaks of coming to know the Mind of God…

Issac Newton, the formulator of optics, gravitation, calculus and elementary mechanics, who considered his life’s greatest work to be a twelve volume treatise on the esoteric of Solomon’s Temple…

John Dee, a mathematician, philosopher and astronomer, who sought visions with angels in order to learn their language…

James Joyce, who desired to accurately and artistically model the human mind as a city on a single day, and who broke down the language barriers between consciousness and dream…

Jeremy Narby, a cultural anthropologist specialising in native Amazonian societies who examined the connections between shamanism and science and who sought an answer to McKenna’s challenge: Nature is alive and talking to us.

Francis Crick, co-discoverer of DNA and a molecular biologist through to the final moments of his life, who asked: At what point would a machine have a soul? At what point did biological life gain the experience of ‘having a soul’...? and spoke in later life of biochemical theology...

Charles Darwin, who as he uncovered the workings of evolutionary nature, released endless phrases such as the ‘web of life’ which have become a foundation for a new ecological way of living...

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